
Long-time employees honored


Finding qualified and committed employees is more difficult than ever, and having employees who have been with us for many years is something special in this day and age.

That is why employee anniversaries at HKS are a very important and naturally gratifying occasion, which should of course be honored.

The honoring takes place according to length of service of 10, 20, 25 and 30 years and some of the employees have already completed their training at HKS.

At HKS, the length of service is honored annually with a loyalty bonus and the long-serving employees also receive a special payment.

Especially in fast-moving times, loyal and committed employees with their experience and accumulated knowledge are of immense value. Long-serving employees, their experience and their skills are the backbone of any company.

At the same time, two employees were congratulated on passing their final examinations and were presented with the certificate of proficiency in the field of machining mechanics.
HKS dreh-Antriebe GmbH is one of the leading international manufacturers of hydraulic rotary drives, actuators, tilt rotators, rotary-stroke combinations and rack-and-pinion drives.
With over 280 employees at three locations and an almost 100 percent vertical range of manufacture, we supply customers from a wide variety of industrial sectors - worldwide.

2022_Jubilare HKS Drehantriebe Aufenau
From left to right: Andreas Ritter (Management), David Ruban and Alessandro Stano (new skilled workers), Heiko Schymocha (Production Manager), Sebastian Voss (10 years), Elena Reiz (20 years), Niko Menzenbach (25 years), Iris Ritzel (10 years), Günter Höhn (Company Owner), Sergei Ameltschenkow (30 years), Christian Eichenauer (10 years), Dr. Stephan Funke (management), Heiko Kern (design manager), Kevin Falk (10 years).
