Betriebsbesuch HKS Dreh Antriebe Aufenau

Opinions about TiltRotator, XtraTilt and RotoBox


We want to help you to find the right decision!

We have asked our customers in the field of construction machinery, which product they are using from HKS and for which application it is particularly helpful for them. There were honest words in terms of performance and applications of long-term partners and new customers, which you can read in detail here to start a comparison or simply to make a better purchase decision.
Whether you are already a customer or you are thinking about a TiltRotator, Quick Coupler or even an excavator as a new purchase in your fleet, here is the place to be, before you buy it. Or to receive an overview in the field of construction machinery - we give our customers a voice.

Trust us and give us your feedback!


„We already successfully work with the second TiltRotator. One can easily convert an acurate excavation.“

Fritz Franke GmbH & Co. KG, Tief- und Straßenbau

Company Fritz Franke GmbH, Tief- und Straßenbau, is one of the largest construction companies in the Schwalm-Eder-Kreis. With more than 100 employees and a modern and large machine and vehicle fleet, experienced people are capable of working in civil engineering and road construction. The company has also been a road builder for many years.

For more than 75 years, the company has been working together with building contractors, commercial and private customers. From the start to the largest project, all work is carried out within this activity range.

Fritz Franke GmbH has already two TiltRotator combinations from HKS in use. For example, the TR-K 270 was installed on a CAT 320 and is used in lifting operations. The second TiltRotator TR-K 200 with quick-coupler is installed on a CAT 325 and is used for road works, so that piping can be easily handled.

Here, the entire space can be effectively and safely used to get a acurate excavation, as there are no obstructive cylinders in the way, which could possibly be damaged. Thus, the working process is significantly faster and more accurate and an exact excavation is possible. The narrow width of the TR-K allows for greater accessibility thanks to a larger swivel angle, even in narrow spaces.


Fritz Franke GmbH & Co. KG, Tief- und Straßenbau
Am Wallbach 1
34326 Morschen

Fritz Franke GmbH & Co KG - Morschen, Rico Tuisel


"I am enthusiastic about the fast implementation and the extended accessibility of working positions."

Behringer Tiefbau GmbH & Co KG

The Behringer company is located in Baden-Württemberg, near Freiburg and is active in civil engineering, sewer construction, road construction and demolition. The company was founded in 1993 and currently has up to 50 employees with Mr. Daniel Behringer as Managing Director.

Behringer Tiefbau GmbH & Co. KG has an HKS TiltRotator combination, the TR-K 330 110 ° on a Doosan DX340 LE5. After our service technician organized the installation of the TiltRotator and at the same time carried out an inspection of the opening and closing technology, the assembly was successfully completed by HKS.

Now the TiltRotator combination is in full use and excavator Eugen Münch is enthusiastic about the fast implementation and extended accessibility of working positions. Due to the exact tailoring of the TiltRotator to the Doosan, it is also possible to maintain the bucket capacity by means of an optimal kinetic system, which means that there is no more obstacle to efficient machine utilization.



Behringer Tiefbau GmbH & Co. KG
Im Grubengarten 1
78183 Hüfingen

Behringer Tiefbau GmbH & Co. KG - Hüfingen, Eugen Mönch


"The advantage is that the HKS products without cylinders make my work much easier."

H.P.M. Straßen- und Tiefbau GmbH

Already in 1984 the H.P.M. Straßen- und Tiefbau GmbH was founded in Goslar. Apart from road and civil engineering, they also include earthworks and canal building works.

Beginning of the year, the customer decided on a TR-K 60. This was due not only to the high flexibility, but also to the maintenance-free work with the HKS TiltRotator. Another advantage for the HKS products is that the attachment runs smoothly and simply.

Mr. Winter, Engineer of H.P.M. Straßen- und Tiefbau GmbH sees the major advantage that the HKS products without cylinders makes working with the excavator much easier. The excellent customer service and the excellent installation impressed our customer.



H.P.M. Straßen- und Tiefbau GmbH
Halberstädter Str. 6
38644 Goslar

H.P.M. Straßen- und Tiefbau GmbH, Herr Winter


"We have chosen a TR-K 200 and are very satisfied with the service at HKS and their products."

Eurovia Verkehrsbau Union GmbH

With a nationwide market presence, Eurovia in Germany covers the entire value-added chain in road construction. The company's range of services starts from the production of raw materials and the production and recycling of road building materials, through project planning and the integral construction through to the management and maintenance of infrastructures.

With the use of the first HKS TiltRotator 200 as a permanent extension for the working machines at the Eurovia-branch in Markranstädt, the opportunity was given to implement these works into a quick and cost-effective manner.

"We are very satisfied with the TiltRotator combination (TR-K) 200 as a fixed attachment and the service at HKS," says excavator operator Andreas Teichert.


Eurovia Verkehrsbau Union GmbH
Gewerbestr. 10
04420 Markranstädt

Eurovia Verkehrsbau Union GmbH - Markranstädt, A. Teichert


"We have used a TiltRotator combination which simplifies the road and civil engineering work through the narrow installation. Also the weight is an advantage and the installation is done quickly. "

Küllmer Bau GmbH & Co. KG

Küllmer Bau GmbH & Co. KG is a traditional family-owned company based in Wehretal, active in road and civil engineering. For the process of the production of liquid soil, the company relies on over 60 years of experience - and on HKS products.

For this reason Küllmer Bau GmbH & Co. KG decided already in 2012 to install a TiltRotator from HKS. Informed with first facts from our website and then in detail in an interview with a representative from our experienced Sales Department, it turned out that the TR-K 180 was best suited for the work and the excavator in use.

Due to the narrow design and the flexible application, the TiltRotator by HKS is ideally suited for work of this kind. With the TiltRotator, Küllmer Bau Gmbh & CO has decided on a long-lasting, German quality product with many years of application and design experience.


Küllmer Bau GmbH & Co. KG
Lindenhof 2
37287 Wehretal

Küllmer Bau GmbH & Co. KG - Wehretal, Stefan Scharf


"Not only the great service convinced us, but also the fact that the TiltRotator allows working in narrow, inaccessible places. This was a decisive point for us."

Immo Herbst GmbH

Founded in 1983, Immo Herbst GmbH is based nearby Frankfurt am Main. The company is active in the field of gardening and landscaping and builds on many years of experience.

Till Kuhlig decided on a TiltRotator from HKS, which was recently installed on a Bobcat E80.

Why he did  decide for an HKS product? Not only the excellent service and the aspect that the installation is very easy and uncomplicated. The outstanding flexibility and the fact that the HKS TiltRotator allows working in narrow, inaccessible places was a decisive point for the company Immo Herbst.


Immo Herbst GmbH
Silostr. 54-58
65929 Frankfurt/Main

Immo Herbst GmbH - Frankfurt/Main, Till Kuhlig


"There are no disturbing cylinders, which could be damaged. Thanks to its small width and compact weight, the HKS TiltRotator has an outstanding advantage."

Straßen- und Tiefbau Scheld GmbH

The medium-sized construction company Scheld has its focus in the fields of civil engineering, road construction and turnkey construction. The company headquartered in Biedenkopf builds on the flexible products of HKS.

For this reason Scheld GmbH opted for the TRK 150 from the extensive range of TiltRotators. Also the simple installation and the very good service were reasons, which persuaded the Scheld GmbH to decide for HKS.

The answer to the question in which the customer sees the advantage of the use of HKS products was clear - "there is no disturbing cylinder," says excavator operator Walter Damm. Thanks to its small width and compact weight, the HKS TiltRotator has a great advantage. It allows easy and, above all, fast working in places where there is lack of space.


Straßen- und Tiefbau Scheld GmbH
Sennerweg 2
35216 Biedenkopf

Straßen- und Tiefbau Scheld GmbH - Biedenkopf, Walter Damm
